Meow Like A Pirate Day

Today be the Day us Rogues of the Nine Lives Seas have been waiting for:
Meow Like A Pirate Day, you worm-ridden dregs!

Cap'n Minion Of The Purry Buccaneers meows,
Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! 
Blimey! The newest Purries be scowling
 for this Letters of Marque, 
ye scurvy kitties! 

 Here be their shipshape mizzens 

fer ye bootylicious pleazures, Landlubbers!

Shiver me timbers!


Scallywag Wench Chili Of The Seven Seas:

"I be a carouser o'the coxswain, if ya know wha' I means, me hearties!"
purrs Chili Of The Seven Fleas, er Seas!


First Mate Sonora Redbeard Pepper:

"Grog, folly an' nipperkin fer all me mates!" growls Sonora Redbeard!


Cabin Boy MooshMoosh:

"... and really bad eggs," sez Rapscallion Moosh,
 even though he be not right in his noggin from all those bottles o' nip!

And Adorable Admiral PJ:

"Avast! Yo Ho!" shouts Admiral PJ Of The Purry Buccaneers!


Arr, if ye be talkin' like a Pirate scallywag on ye ole blogge today,
 make sure ye leaffe yer linkies on Da Cat Blogosphere, mateys!

Mo and The Purries


  1. Arrrgh! These be the cutest pirates me eyes 'ave ever seen. Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!

  2. Arrrgh! What fine pirates ye be!

  3. We have never seen more charming pirates than theee!

  4. ewe all R total lee feerce !!!!! happee pie ratz day guyz !! ☺☺♥♥

  5. You guys are TOTALLY awesome at rockin the Pirate Vibe!!

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  6. Thank you for the thoughtful and kind comment you made on our post about our Daddy. We know he's an Angel smiling down on us but we are heartbroken.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon


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