Greetings to readers of Purrchance To Dream,I am Spooker, the formerly beloved of Not The Mama, whom those vile usurpers call Auntie Spooker. Let me just set the record straight right here: I...
Hello Fur-friends,Yesterday, Not The Mama came home early and joined me and Chloe for a mid-day nap. I had a dream...I was a kitten again, and I was being chased through a field...
Hello Fur-friends!Since last week, I listed 13 things I LIKE,I figured this week I'd list 13 things I DON'T LIKE!Being told NO!The vacuum cleaner running anywhere in the house.The phone ringing.The robot lady's...
Hello fur-friends!Yesterday, Christine asked:"Daphne, what's the funniest thing you or Chloe have done, thus far?"Well, funny you should ask...Last night, when Not The Mama and Lee were watching TV, I stood up on...
Hello fur-friends,While Not The Mama is fond of saying that I am always the first one to the food dish (gotta be first!), here is photographic proof that my sister Chloe likes a...
Hello furr-friends,Kathleen's visit on Saturday night was interesting.She and Not The Mama and Lee did something called a House Blessing. Not The Mama burned incense that made my nostrils twitch, and Chloe hid...
Hello!This morning, I almost tripped Not The Mama as he came down the stairs. Doesn't he know that I always have to be FIRST when it comes to racing down the stairs, or...
Hello,Not The Mama would like for me to tell you that one of the unforseen things that happened with the switch to Beta was that my blog was assimilated into his dashboard.We're not...
For my first Thursday Thirteen, I'm going to listThirteen Things That I'm Thankful For:Not The MamaMy Sister, ChloeMerlin (he's sooo cute!)Sunshine On My Tummy, Makes Me HappyMorning Shoelace Chase With Not The MamaIams...