TT#27 : Inkie

Inkie is doing so much better! She's done with her ampicillin, and her ear mites seem a hundred times less bothersome (but I'm still seen in her eyes as the "medicine man" and she doesn't really like me). She's been out on the salesfloor a couple times. At first, she just went and hid. Then she explored a bit, and napped. She does sleep a lot, hopefully getting to 100% full-strength kitty. One thing, she didn't seem to ever want to play at all. At least not with me. But Bessie spent some time with her in the shop the other day - and she started by doing some good ear scritches and they worked their way into some good play time.
I must admit, I got tears in my eyes to see them together - and to see Inkie really play for the first time! Here's a 13 picture story of their afternoon together:

You'll notice that by the end, Bessie was tired out and Inkie was still rarin' to go! But then she took a three-hour nap before dinner!

And we have an announcement: Bessie has decided to let Inkie adopt her! Yes, our little Inkie is going to have a great Forever Home!
I checked with Jim & Drew, who rescued the little starving fur ball, and they gave the thumbs up to Bessie & Inkie ending up together! It's bittersweet for me, but I've worked very hard NOT to get too attached to this little scruff-muffin. I know in my heart that her & Bessie being together is perfect, so I won't be too sad!
I'll keep y'all updated on when Inkie will be leaving The Wren's Nest. I'm sorry to say she won't be joining the Cat Blogosphere, but we can all be glad she's getting a great Forever Home!
Not The Mama

Mo and The Purries


  1. Yeah, that is so great!! I'm so happy for Bessie and Inkie!! It was meant to be. I love the picture of Inkie half-way under the wooden rack w/her 'lil booty sticking up in the air, hehee!

  2. Emma's Kat: that's MY favorite picture, too!!!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that Inkie is doing better and has found a wonderful Forever Home! :) Yay! :)

  4. Hooray! I am so so so happy that Inkie found such a good forever home. And you will still be able to keep in touch with her, too. What a great story with a happy ending too. Inkie, you go, girl!

  5. That is wonderful!

  6. What a wonderful furever home for Inkie! She really is beautiful and I'm so happy she's had such wonderful care.


  7. Yippie!!!! ::kitty paws clapping:: We're so happy about this! We're sure you'll keep us updated on how sweet Inkie is doing even if she isn't blogging herself. It would be tough to not fall in love with such a sweetie especially after you looked after her so well. We're glad she is going to a wonderful home of someone you know!
    Great job adopting Bessie Inkie!

  8. Don't worry y'all! I'll keep you updated on Inkie!

  9. Anonymous12:15 PM

    aww! YAY!

    Great TT

  10. Anonymous12:19 PM

    WHOOHOO! such great news!!! (we like the booty picture best too)

  11. maybe she can put in "guest appearances" here not the mama???

    smiles, auntie bee

  12. Yay for Bessie and Inkie!
    Everything worked out just right!

  13. Excellent news. I always like to hear when a kitty-jewel gets a forever-home!

    Congrats to all!

  14. thats great! I dont know how you could be a foster home. I would keep em all and have a house full of cats, which would not make the two newcomers we just rescued very happy

  15. Yay!!! We ist furry glad to heer dat and we ist furry glad dat Inkey is lernin how to play. Bless her liddle hart!!

    Luf, Us

  16. sparky: actually, this experience was very good for me. My biggest fear was that I would NOT be able to let Inkie go. But for the first time in recent (like twenty years) history, I did not get attached right away to a cat.
    I know that I couldn't take her home - it simply was NOT an option, and it wouldn't be fair to Jazper at the shop. It's a small store, and just one-kitty sized for the long run. Plus, he resents not having free reign in "his" basement!
    While I'm kinda sad that I didn't bond with her, it is really good because Bessie & her just adore each other. And I think that this shows me that I CAN be a foster-parent if the need arises.
    Thanks for your comments, everyone!

    Not The Mama

  17. Hooray for Inkie and a forever home with Bessie! This brings happy tears to our eyes.

    Purrrs, China Cat & Willow

  18. So cute. I love black cats and have owned three, one currently.

    Happy TT

  19. Anonymous4:17 PM

    It must have been meant. I am very happy for Inkie but sad for you, though at least you know she has a good home!

  20. What good news! And, you'll be able to keep tabs on her.

  21. I am so glad to hear Inkie has decided to adopt Bessie. How sweet. The pictures look like they really hit it off together.

    Maybe Bessie will start a blog for Inkie????


    pee ess: I like the booty picture the best too. Just so cute.

  22. Yea! ::spin:: Inkie found a home ::spin::
    Hey, Inkie, what was you lookin fur under the rack, anyway?
    PS yur lookin downright sleek, for a cat so recently homeless.
    ... and they all lifed happily efur after.

  23. Wonderful news! Rescued kitty adopts new human. I love a happy ending.

    What? I am not tearing up!

    Mr Tucker says: MROLWL YOW YOW YOW MOW YEOW.

    I believe the translation is: Congrats Inkie and good luck in your new home.

  24. Glad Inkie is getting a good new home. Keep us updated with an occastional guest post!

  25. YAY!! Furrever homes are always wonderful news!

    Artsy Catsy

  26. Hi Daphne!!!

    We are tagging you guys at Purrchance to Dream (and Jazper at The Wren's Nest) for the 5 Reasons Why I Blog MeMe!!

    Luf, Us

  27. This is furry good news fer Inky!

  28. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the bestest news!! Concatulations to Inkie and Bessie

  29. She is such a petite little sweety!! We have that exact same toy for our cats (at least when they're not playing with shoestrings)! Congrats to Inkie and Bessie!!

  30. Inkie looks so much better! She must really be scarfing up the foods. Sounds like she and Bessie are meant to be and it's not like you'll be giving her to a stranger. You know she'll be well cared for.

  31. Inkie is gorgeous! I am so glad she is learning how to play and that she will have a good, loving home.

  32. YAY! Looks like things worked out OK for everyone.

    For sure keep us up in Inkie as she grows up.

  33. I'm so happy for Inkie! What a cute kitty. And now she is feeling better AND has a furever home.

    Purrs to you for doing the right thing...


  34. YAY! Cheers to Inkie!

  35. Bessie and Inkie are going to be furry happy together. Concatulations on finding Inkie the Furever Home that she deserves (not that she wouldn't have been gloriously happy with you).

  36. Oh my goodness how wonderful. I was just adopted too! Concatulations. Looks like black kitties are the lucky ones! Oh Daphne I tagged you, come to my blog to see what for. My momma had a kitty named after you!


  37. awww concatulations INky ~Poiland Tribe

  38. yippee! that's excellent news! she looks she and Bessie are going to be happy happy happy!

    (it's been awhile since i've dropped by. you have some AWESOME kitty pictures here!)


  39. Dat am great news! We like seeing picshures wif things in da store too.


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