Peter Peter is at the emergency vet.  We are requesting PURRS & PRAYERS for him.

A couple of hours ago, he had a hairball.  I didn't think anything of it.  He strained really hard to get it out, but it really wasn't out of the ordinary.
Then, at almost 5pm, he just collapsed and fell over and started howling.  I knew something was wrong, especially when he was limp when I tried to put him into a carrier.  I got him to our vet as soon as I could.
They took him back right away.  After an examination, the vet said that it was a good thing I got him there right away.  It appears that Pete may have either had a heart attack or a stroke, for the early diagnosis was a thoracic blood clot blocking the back half of his body.  He wasn't moving his back legs and his back paws were cold by the time I got him to the vet.
Right now, he is having intravenous blood thinners, pain meds, and an IV.  
I will keep you updated as I find out anything.
~ Mo

UPDATE Saturday night @ 11:45pm
Peter is spending the night at the Emergency Vet.  I just got home from there.
Pete has always had a heart murmur, but it never seemed to be a big deal.  However, apparently the murmur was the cause of the blood clot.
He has a thoracic thrombosis, which is a blood clot from his heart, blocking the blood flow to his lower legs.  Which means his back legs are paralyzed.  He is getting IV fluids and pain meds over night, and is in a temperature controlled oxygen tent.
Unfortunately, the prognosis is not good.  IF they can break up the clot with fluids and blood thinners, there still may be damage and paralysis to his back legs.  However, if the clot is broken up, it has to go somewhere.  The ER vet said most likely to his lungs or brain, which of course presents other problems.
If he survives the first 24 hours, he still is not out of the woods.  The best case scenario is that he comes home and I nurse him and pray he regains use of his back legs over the next few weeks.  But even with a prescription of blood thinners, most cats who survive the initial episode have recurring clot issues, because the clot is a symptom of heart problems.  The ER vet said that even cats who survive the initial clot rarely regain full use of their back legs.  But there is some small hope that he will.  He is in his prime of life, and was strong and healthy, he has that going for him.
Right now, I just want him home.  But after he leaves the ER, he goes back to our regular vet for another day of observation there.  Tomorrow night, hopefully he can come home.
Going to take each step as it comes.
Thank you all for your PURRS & PRAYERS, and for you comments.  They mean the world to me & Eyad.
~ Mo

Mo and The Purries


  1. Praying for Peter <3

  2. Poor Pete! You have all my prayers and all the universal Light I can muster. It hits a little too close to home, with my first adoptee, Chumley. :-(

    Purrs from the boys, Nicki and Derry.

  3. Oh no! Lots of purrs and prayers for you, sweet Pete! Hang in there Mo!

  4. Sending tons of purrs and prayers. ((HUGS))

  5. Sending purrs and prayers for Peter and hugs for you.

  6. Sending purrs and prayers from the Carolina Cats and mom.

  7. Pete - you must fight and fight again! Keep strong tuxie guy we are all rooting for yoo!

  8. We are all crossing paws and purraying for Pete. XOXOX

  9. Oh, poor Pete. He's fortunate you were home and got him to a vet right away. Praying for him.

  10. Get well Petey - sending BIG purrrs and hugs!

  11. Sending good thoughts and kitty purrs...please get better Pete,


    Karen (Mum), Tasha & Buddy

  12. Oh dear. Sending purrs and surrounding Peter in love and reiki light.

  13. Purrs and prayers coming your way.

  14. Glascats8:45 PM

    Many prayers and healing thoughts for your sweet boy. ((((hugs))))

  15. My first words upon reading this was "Holy S**T". Purring like mad here.

  16. We are purring and praying for Peter! What a shock. So glad you were right there to get him to the vet to give him a chance.

    Big hugs from all of us,

    Cory and family

  17. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Prayers and purrs...♥

  18. Mega purrs from the Manx kitties.

  19. OMC we're sending loud rumbly purrs out for Pete!! We hope they can figure out what's wrong and get him back to normal quickly.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

  20. OMG we are purrring and purraying so hard for Pete

  21. OMC, we are so very worried. Comforting purrs and Hugs for you and Eyad. Mo, we know you two must be worried sick. Healing purrs and crossed paws (and fingers) for Peter Pete.

  22. Purrs to Peter Pete! Poor guy!

  23. Peter Pete, we send all of our purrs to you.

  24. How awful! I am sending a bunch of purrs Pete's way! And yes, PLEASE keep us posted.

  25. Tons of healing purrz! Oh Peter, I hope you can come out of this with full use of your back paws. xoxo

  26. We are sending our strongest healing purrs to you, Peter Peter! And lots of hugs too!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

  27. Aw, Petey my man, you gotta get better! I got paws crossed and everything...

  28. Lots of purrs and prayers to Pete and the Family!!
    (((HUGGGGSSSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,

  29. Aw Pete, we'z purring like madcats...hope they got it before it did permanent damage and that you do well on the blood thinners and never have another for the long, long life we want you to have.

  30. More purrrs headed to Petey.

  31. Peter Pete, we are sending big purrs and prayers, and much love for you and your family.

  32. e are sending thoughts of love & hope to Peter and his family. We had the same thing with one of our young boy cats and I know it happens so suddenly that you have no time to prepare yourself. We are so sorry this has happened,

  33. Sending lots of purrs and purrayers from all of us at Prancer Pie.

  34. I'm so sorry to hear this...we're keeping you and Peter in our thoughts and prayers.

  35. Oh my goodness, Sweetie! How terrifying! Purrs for Mr. Peter and long-distance hugs for you!
    Jessica & Charmee

  36. We will keep purring and praying!

  37. Poor Peter !,
    I send many many purrs for him
    Paws crossed & Prayer
    I hope he is safe and ready to go home soon.
    (((( hugs )))))

  38. Oh, how heartbreaking for you all! We send you all and Peter our very biggest and most heartfelt purrs and prayers and will have Peter in our thoughts.

  39. Oh no, this doesn't sound good. We're sending our strongest thoughts and purrs for Peter right now!

  40. We are purring for you and Pete too and hope he is better tomorrow.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  41. You have my prayers and the Gs purrs.. all of you. xoxo

  42. Oh no ~ so unbelievably sorry to hear this. What a terrible worry and heartbreak for you. I am going to think positive and my boys are sending HUGE purrs for little Pete. You know we all love him so very much. And ((((((((((hugs))))))))))) for you Mo ~ I know how much this will be hurting you too.
    Love Jan, Milo and Alfie xxx

  43. We are purring so hard for Petey. We are so very sorry this has happened and we hope that the vets can help him recover. Sending love to Morgen and Eyad too

    Gerry, Mungo & The Ape xx

  44. We are purring & purraying our hardest for Pete to get well! Sending love, hugs & purrs to all of you!

  45. this is so heartbreaking, I can only imagine your fears. I'll be hugging William when I get home and sending positive healing thoughts your way.
    Amanda and William Snapp

  46. this is so heartbreaking, I can only imagine your fears. I'll be hugging William when I get home and sending positive healing thoughts your way.
    Amanda and William Snapp

  47. We are so sorry to hear this heartbreaking news. Miracles do happen and we strongly believe in them. And you know the power of the purr! Lots of purrs and prayers for sweet Pete. (((hugs)))

  48. We're all purring and purraying for Pete Pete.

  49. Oh no. I'm so sorry to read that. I hope Peter can get better. We are sending lots and lots and lots of purrs. And the humans send hugs too.

  50. We are so sad to hear this. We are hoping for the best for your furbaby. Hugs and purrs from our house.

  51. We are sending purrs and prayers. Our Pops who is a human RN says he knows this has a poor prognosis. BUT... There are kitties who have this and really do get better and then have no more problems. There is a special rescue, Tabby's Place, that has a kitty resident who had this same clot and totally got better. He has been fine for several years. Love and Spirit will out
    Sending Love and Support from the Tomcat home

  52. Our friends Fenris and Tuiren sent us over and we just wanted to tell you we are sending pawsative thoughts your way.

    Get better Peter! Your momma wants you home!!

    xo Miss Fendi HoneyBuzz & Mom

  53. OMG - we just only now found this - now we are double sorry! and this is exactly the way the maid's most beloved timothy died (before we ever started blogging) - always had a heart murmur, collapsed, was paralyzed, rushed to the vet, same procedures and the next night died.
    oh it is so terrible when they leave us.
    lots of love,
    the cat realm and the maid


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