Wordless Wednesday: Daphne Watercolor

(our Linky Box is at Not The Mama's site this week)

Mo and The Purries


  1. That's a beautiful photo of Daphne!!!

    We nominated Purrchance to Dream for the Thinking Blogger Award. Stop by our blog to check out the rules!

    Luf, Us

  2. 40 Paws, thanks for the compliment on the photo - this is an example of how you can take a slightly blurry/not so good picture on your digital camera and use photo-enhancing software to make it better. In this case, I sharpened the image, added more contrast, then used the "watercolor" effect. I love how her facial expression turned out here.
    And thanks for awarding us the Thinking Blogger Award, too!
    We'll get on that ASAP
    Not The Mama

  3. What a cute picture. It looks like the your kitty is pleading with you

  4. Daphne, what pretty round eyes you have!

  5. Anonymous2:46 PM

    beautiful picture!

  6. Anonymous6:11 PM

    we love your eyes! now the Lady knows what to do with the cute, but slightly blurry, pictures of us - thanks!


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