Lions and Tigers and Cat Bloggers,
Oh My!

Cat Bloggers

This past Sunday, I had the great pleasure of going to the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago to meet up with some fabulous beans-behind-the-scenes of some Cat Blogs.
The lion was worn out from his amorous adventures when I got there, and the tiger was kind enough to poke its head up from the grass long enough for me to snap a pic, but the real fun was meeting the other Cat Bloggers!
From left to right in the picture: Diane Gritton, Jennifer Lamb, Amanda Sava, Kimberly Cole, Bonnie Koenig, Kadie King, and me!  It was SO much fun!
In case you were wondering which bean goes with which cats:
Diane's catblog: ChiCats
Jennifer's catblog:  Victor Tabbycat and Nina the Torbie
Amanda's catblog: PB and J Is My Favorite
Kimberly's catblog: Rosie and Cheeto's Blog
Bonnie's catblog: Chey's Place: The Cat Post Intelligencer
Kadie's catblog: Sly Likes Things
and of course, you're addicted to my Purries here @ Purrchance To Dream, right?
Not The Mama

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Mo and The Purries


  1. Not the Mama...our mom really wanted to go and meet all of our blogging furiends humans but she couldn't! Looks like you had fun...and got to see some of our ancestors!!!

    We told her that she has to go next time for sure!!!

  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    How kewel was dat! WOWZA!

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Oh, Man! That must've been a blast!

    Of course you know Mom has met Miss Bee and Sarge several times, but this fall will be meeting with Linda and "Lois". Meeting online buddies face-to-face is awesome!

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    That musta been real fun! We should do something like that in St. Louis:)

  5. Mom? Mom! Hay, how'd my Mom get in yur blog? If they's behind bloggin cats, how come I don't see any kitteh in da pictor? Soooo many cat people! ::spin::

  6. It's nice to meet you right now. It looks liek you had a furry lovely time.

  7. Anonymous8:29 PM

    OH noes! All those mommas and not the daddas?!?!? What were you all up to..?!?! huh? huh?
    hehe mommas thinks it is great and glad you had all had a wonderful time.. me? I thinks it's a conspiracy! haha

  8. It looks like you had a great time!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  9. Hey that is so cool that all the Cat's beans got together!! You all look like you had lots of fun!!
    Your FL furiends,

  10. The lion and tiger are so cool. That is so awesome that you were able to meet with other bloggers!! Awesome.

  11. That's awesome! It's so fun to see the moms and Not-the-Mamas behind our cat friends.

  12. Great to see some faces behind my furry blogfriends! ;)

  13. How absolutely awesome... y'all really REALLY got together, that's just too cool. And the Lincoln Park Zoo is quite the neat zoo, too! What fun......

  14. Wow, Mommy really wishes she could have been there!


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