Friskies Party Mix Morning Munch Taste Test

Yesterday, we did a taste test of Friskies Party Mix's new flavor Meow Luau, and today we got to taste their new Morning Munch Party Mix.  The flavors in this bag are bacon, egg, and cheese.  Bacon!  Finally, someone put bacon in a cat treat!
Since Little Isis usually only goes for seafood flavors, which are in the Meow Lua but not in Morning Munch, we didn't think she'd like this new flavor.  Well, as you can see in the brief video below, she not only liked the Morning Munch, she wanted more!

Hey, Little Isis, what happened to you only wanting Blue Bag Only?!?

Mo and The Purries


  1. Glogirly is so hungry after just seeing the word bacon, she's ready to raid MY treats!
    ; ) Katie

  2. BACOON? Oh yummy! Our little mouths are drooling at the thought of these. Thanks for the review. Have a great Wednesday! xoxo

  3. OMC, it is SO UNFAIR that we can't get these here!!! *pout* *pout*

  4. Tough job, isn't it, Little Isis?

  5. Mmmmm...bacon. We gotta get some of that!!

  6. Who could resist BACON???????

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Anonymous10:29 AM

    It's good to try new things. We're gonna scratch these onto the shopping list right now!

  8. BACON! Dad, there are new flavors, DAD......

  9. Thank you for your comforting words of sympathy about our Chica. We appreciate your friendship.

  10. I mean, who can turn down Party Mix???

  11. Thank you for putting the news about The Last Chance Cat Ranch on the Blogosphere! That is much appreciated. Just a personal aside, though - I'm actually a Dad Bellen, rather than a mom...

  12. Bellen - my sincerest apologies. It has been amended.

  13. Oh bacon treats! Can it get any better?

  14. I wish I could haz bacon treats but my mom likes piggies so I get turkey bacon. Better than nuffin, I guess.


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