Daphne Daydreams

Do you think Daphne is wondering if she could chase the cars down on the street below, or just daydreaming out the picture window of our apartment?

For other cats in Window Views today, please visit Samantha at Life From A Cat's Perspective and Carbon at Furry Tails of the PDX Pride.  And for another view of this very same window pictured above, with Spooker in it, visit today's House Panthers!

You can click on the graphic below to visit other blogs participating in Window Views, and for more information about this meme:

Mo and The Purries


  1. Ah what a lovely window you have to watch the world go by!

  2. classic kitty pose. Love it.

  3. Daphne that is a wonderful pose and you look beautiful staring at the rain!!
    Your FL furiends,

  4. Looks like a nice, comfy spot and there's something out there that's got her full attention :)

  5. windows better than TVs ~The Fluffy Tribe

  6. Daphne has a regal and comfy perch!

  7. Ah, we love Daphne's little makeshift bridge to the window sill.

  8. Again that excellent view out the window... oh and of course Daphne! :)


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